Changing Maryland Work Styles Can Impact Your Insurance
Are You Completely Covered For Any Contingency?
Businesses in the Maryland, D.C., Virginia region have all had to make adjustments during the Coronavirus Pandemic to keep workers and customers safe. Change, no matter how small, can affect you in different ways. it’s important to check in with your insurance agent to make certain your business, homeowners, and auto policies have you completely covered for any contingency.
Using Your Home as an Office?
In the Mid-Atlantic Region of the United States during the past six months, many sole proprietors and small businesses have closed their offices and have set up shop at home so that they can work remotely. Many employees at midsize and large businesses are now working from home.
This means that if you are a small business owner you may now have clients coming to your home to pick up documents or products. Doing business from home may not be covered under your homeowner’s policy. If one of your clients gets hurt while visiting your premises, there could be an increased liability exposure. Talk to you agent, and document the conversation. They may recommend the purchase of a business owner’s policy.
What about equipment you’ve moved into your home office. If you have company equipment in your home, it may not be covered by your homeowner’s policy. Talk to your agent to make certain it is properly insured. Document the conversation.
If you’ve closed down a location or office, have you remembered to cancel the insurance?

Driving Less?
More people working remotely means fewer people are driving. If you drive less miles, you can save money on your auto insurance policy. Whether these are personal vehicles or business vehicles, it’s a savings worth investigating.
Starting a New Business from Home?
While some businesses are being forced to close, other entrepreneurs may see opportunities. Perhaps you are contemplating starting a small business. Maybe you see a need to start a childcare service. Call your County and familiarize yourself with the licenses required. Some insurance companies allow you to add this type of business to your homeowner’s policy. Insurance for this type of business is very important . Make certain you should go over all the details with your agent.

During these times a hobby can turn into a profession. Anything from raising tropical fish to growing garden herbs has the potential to develop into a small business. If your hobby is increasing your risk to the general public, give your agent a call. For example you enjoy doing woodworking and you start selling your products, there is increased liability exposure to you if someone gets hurt using your product. Talk to your insurance agent about an insurance policy that covers product liability.
Home Improvements
Home sales are booming this summer, particularly in Annapolis, as new home buyers prize larger lots and more space for home activities. Homeowners are investing in home improvements because they are spending more time at home. Make certain, that if you are hiring a contractor for your projects that they are insured. Ask for proof of insurance.

Once those upgrades are completed, contact your insurance agent to update your policy. For example, if you’ve added a bathroom you want to have it noted in the description of your house on your homeowner’s policy.
These are challenging times and change is never easy. Let your Insurance Agent be of service to keep all your assets protected. The staff at Crilly Insurance with offices in Annapolis, Catonsville, and Edgewater is always happy to be of service. Give us at call at 410-571-1771 or contact us through our website.